Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cross-stitch party!

So, Archie bowls on Monday nights this year, and a couple of weeks ago we had a cross-stitch party! Rebekah is working on one for a project for YW, and the others are doing some Christmas decorations just for fun.

Rebekah, Nathan and Joanna working hard on my bed.

Miriam working on hers, while I hang-out and check out her progress. Yes, that's my graduation tassel hanging on the wall behind us. Pathetic, I know.

Joanna finished hers a couple of days later!! It reads "Warm Hearts."

Rebekah finished an ornament which reads "Joy" before she decided if she wanted to tackle a bigger project for YW.

Nathan and Miriam are still working on theirs...I'll post pictures as soon as they are finished.

I have to say that I have a really challenging cross stitch that I've been working on for seriously 7 years. When the kids were first working on theirs they wanted me to get mine out and show it to them. I did, and they really loved it. It's the kind of project that I work on for several hours a day for a week or two, and then I just have to put it away. This whole thing was during one of the "put-it-away" periods, and so I was bemoaning how hard and difficult it was. The kids were all so supportive, telling me "you can do it" and "it will look so good when you are done" and "look how much progress you've already made" and other sweet and encouraging things.

I have the best kids ever.

PS: Randy H.----I started this post with a "So" as a tribute to you. I've been keeping up with your darling blog, but I can't comment!! (I think the comments are turned off??) SO I'll have to do it on my own blog! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fall Piano Recital

The kids played beautifully in the fall piano recital, and we were happy to have Grandma Linda (AKA Gramzer) in attendance. Click on the clips below if you want to hear it.




Happy Halloween!

From left to right we've got Shawn Johnson (Olympic Gymnast), Wizard (Merlin Type), Peaced Out, and Spongebabe. Yeah, lots of fun. Everyone loved their costumes, and had a great time. I made the 2 on the left from scratch, we bought the Peaced Out, and kind of pieced together the Spongebabe, trying to make a modest version of one we saw in a catalog. I really enjoy making Halloween costumes, and I'm happy when the kids let me do it for them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Know What You Did Last Summer (some of you, anyway)...

Okay, so after graduation some of us headed up to Colorado to help Matthew and Kristi move and paint. And we did, but we also had a little fun. Of course, I don't have pictures of the moving and painting, but I promise we did. Here are pictures of some of the fun:

A little friendly backyard lacrosse is just what everyone needs on a warm Colorado afternoon. This is in Matthew and Kristi's backyard....isn't it beautiful???

Can you see the look on Tiffany's face?? Can you say A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E?? She was intense!! It's not all her fault reminds me a lot of her mother's face when we used to play YW basketball....I'm just sayin. :)

On the way home we stopped with Dad, Murry and Mom to do a little rock climbing. We miss you, Murry!!

So, it turns out that Nathan and Rebekah really enjoy climbing. They are way up there, right? Yeah, the above picture is the camera zoomed as far as it will go. Below is the shot without the zoom.

Yes, they did make it back down safely. Would you believe that Rebekah was wearing flip-flops? If you know her, you won't doubt it.

Arrow of Light

On October 16th, Nathan was awarded the "Arrow of Light" which is the highest award in Cub Scouting. The ceremony was so great, and the men performing it were wonderful. Nathan really enjoyed the evening, and was pleased that he had done the work to receive such an award.

Nathan throws a stick on the bonfire to contribute to it.

The medicine man explains what all the points on the arrow represent.

Nathan walks over the bridge, and his Boy Scout Leader (Grandpa Jim) accepts him into Boy Scouts.

The Chief was very sweet to pose for a picture after the ceremony.

I LOVE the smile on this kid's face!! He's been dying to receive the arrow that he's holding. He'll treasure it for a long time. Grandma Stephanie and Grandpa Jim have a special holder in their living room which holds the arrow that their son BJ earned before he passed away. Nathan has been looking at that arrow, and followed in BJ's footsteps by working hard to earn this award. Nathan is really lucky to have so many men in his family that he can look up to, those that still walk the earth, and those that have already crossed over, some of which (like BJ), he has yet to meet.

Grandpa Jim, Nathan, me and Archie after the ceremony.
Nathan, we are so proud of you! Keep up the great work!